AudioConexus is a leader in multi-language, location base content delivery. Driven by customer requirements for physical and software product modularity, and the emerging paradigm of a “Real World OS” user experience where location and proximity drive the delivery of content to the guest, the resulting conceptual architecture and formal language were intended to mirror modern handset technology to ensure both manufacturability and long-term product viability.
Team: Design Lead, UX Designer, Customer
Role: Requirements, Strategy Industrial Design, UX & UI, Prototyping

In tour experiences such as art galleries, using conventional audio guides the guest is typically required to read item numbers adjacent to each painting and input the number into the device keypad in order to playback content for an object. Moving through the gallery, the guest repeats this for new items. Considerable time is spent working the device instead of looking at the art.
The AudioConexus system is comprised of three hardware components, the modular audio guide, a GPS headend, and one or more Bluetooth Low Energy beacons. Location aware components handle the delivery of content by GPS location awareness, indoor location triangulation, and device proximity to low-energy Bluetooth beacons. Content for specific attractions, buildings, rooms, paintings and individual exhibit artefacts is triggered dynamically as the guest moves through space and progressively closer to specific areas and items. GPS and location signals represented by the gray circles triangulate the location of each device within the Experience Environment and deliver contextual content based on the position of the guest. Area specific beacons broadcast up to 40’ and define distance specific Content Zones, illustrated here by the colored circles. Dedicated beacons applied directly to specific items define close-range Artefact Zones, illustrated by the smaller internal colored circles. As a guest progressively enters these zones, additional media becomes available and is pushed to the device. The media guide announces the availability of the pushed content via the light bar, LCD screen, and the gamification buttons along the bottom of the device.
Content can be simplified or deepened based on how quickly a guest moves through the Experience Environment, how long them linger in specific Content Zones, or how closely they stand to each Artefact . Multiple and simultaneous content options are presented on-screen and allow for quick and simple selection. The device virtually disappears permitting the guest to remain immersed in the attraction.

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